🙞 Date Nut Bread


This recipe was originally written on 3 very small and narrow slips of paper, and obviously represented several attempts at perfecting the recipe. Based on the differences and the vagueness about a few ingredients (candied cherries), I have to assume that either the completed recipe exists elsewhere, or no final judgment was made. I have reproduced the text of all three documents below as best as I could, with no commentary or editing aside from (?) if I couldn't decipher a word.

Document 1

2 cup water boiling
2 1/4 lbs dates
1 1/2 stick butter = 3/4c
2 cup gran sugar
3/4 te salt
5 1/4 cup flour.
1 1/2 t soda
3 cup nut
candied cherries

Document 2

1 1/2 lb dates
3 1/2 cup nuts
Not enough
add cherries
may be

Document 3

2/3 c water boiling
1 pk pd dates/oz (?)
1 1/4 c butter
2/3 c gran. sugar
1/4 tea salt
1 3/4 c flour
1/2 tea soda
1 c walnuts
candied cherries

Date butter sugar
add boiling water
dissolve butter + sugar
line coffee can
bottom + sides
grease and put in paper. do not
grease paper.
add other ingredients
grease cover and cover
1 coffee or
2 peach (?) 350 - 1 hr
1 hr 15 coffee can
Tags sidedish incomplete bork family vegetarian bread